"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream another dream." (C.S. Lewis)
Goal setting has been on my mind lately. I make lists of goals and revise and make new lists. I do this all year long, and the other day as I was writing the date, I realized: it's August. The year is almost over.
At the beginning of this year one goal I set for myself was to begin a blog. To blog about my cooking adventures and my efforts to live a simple life at least two or three times a week. To talk with what I hope is an audience of other single, boomer, women (maybe men - they need to eat too) who are interested in making meals for themselves and moving beyond eating leftovers most of the week because the meal they made on Sunday would feed an army. This blog then is space to open a discussion about food and what that looks like when we are single, unattached, and maybe still working full time.
I really don't know the exact way (yet) to do this whole "blogging thing". I'm not sure how to get the correct format, or if I'm "doing it right". But if I am going to meet my goal of a starting a blog - I'm just going to have to start. And so I've started.
Here are the goals for this blog (the goals of the goal if you will).
I want very much to help other people my age, (Boomers. You know who you are. We don't have to talk numbers) who may be living alone for the first time in their adult lives to learn how to make great food, just for themselves. From my own experience, learning to cook and shop for one has sometimes been a challenge, but certainly worth the effort. I will point you in the direction of some great cooks and cookbooks and other blogs that I've fallen in love with on my journey to cooking for one (oh that's the book part of the title).
In addition to cooking for just myself, living peacefully on this earth and making as little impact as possible is important to me, so home cooking using local food, and eating low on food chain are all important to me. I'm mostly a vegetarian - but hang around if you aren't I can't stop loving chicken, so it's not all vegetarian cooking. Fast food eating is something I do very little any more because of the huge impact that has on the environment. Now when I'm going on a road trip, a box lunch or a picnic basket is part of my luggage. I also pack my lunch every day for work. I'll write about avoiding fast food too. Finally, for me living peacefully includes growing my own food and buying local food, (that's the beans and berries part of the title).
O.K. That's enough of the preliminaries for now. I'm looking forward to the writing part and hearing from readers. What I used to tell my students was called "entering the academic conversation", but here I'm entering the conversation that is happening everyday in blogs, on Pinterest, and on Facebook about cooking and simple living, and I'm really looking forward to hearing from readers and other bloggers.
So there they are, the goals: cook wonderful meals, live simply, and write. Seems easy enough.
This week, without much of a clear plan I've started this blog to keep me honest in my pursuits. I am a dreamer, that's for sure - This blog is part of a year long dream that is way past time to become a reality and not just a daydream. I'm looking forward to cooking with you and getting to know you.
You can read a little more about me Here.
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