Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify. Simplify. Henry David Thoreau
I have loved Thoreau for decades. His message of simplicity always rang true for me. And don't get me started about his adorable house in the woods. Alas. No house in the woods for this girl (yet), and my simplicity is a work in progress, but I am convinced that to grow old peaceful and to be able to retire in some way, simplicity - at least a more simple existence is called for.
Minimalism, simplicity, tiny living are all buzz words today. So many young people are embracing lifestyles of few possessions and tiny places to live. There are the 100 thing challenge inspired by Dave Bruno. He has reduced his personal possessions to 100 things. Without the weight of possessions, or places needed to store them, or large houses to heat and care for the gift minimalism and simplicity give is the gift of freedom.
I have mentioned Dee Williams in a post about minimalism. She lives in Oregon, and in 2005 she sold her home and built and 84 square foot house on wheels that she parks in her friend's backyard. She only kept 100 possessions (including her dog and pick-up). She has recently written a memoir about living small. Called The Big Tiny, which would be worth the read for anyone interested in tiny living. She is a pioneer of this movement.
The habit of saying I have enough is so beneficial to peaceful living. It also keeps me focused on maintaining a life that is free of gathering a house full of possessions. I still have things to downsize. Small feels so peaceful to me. Spaces that are empty feel peaceful to me. Empty drawer space. Empty floor space. Tables and dressers cleared of all clutter.
What will you give away this week? Imagine a minimalist life. Think small.
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